Strength and Conditioning

High Performance Preparation CLASSES

MSA student-athletes from Year 7-10 participate in an extensive High Performance Preparation (HPP) class during the elective blocks within the normal school timetable. HPP is curriculum-based learning of the fundamental movement patterns required for strength and conditioning training based on long term athletic development models. It is taught and monitored by a team of tertiary qualified strength and conditioning staff, physical education/HPP teachers and a wide range of consultants and sport scientists. Senior (VCE) students complete components of HPP during VET Sport and Recreation & VCE Physical Education classes as well as scheduled sessions before and after school.


The aim is that after HPP education all Sports Academy students are capable and proficient to operate in a high-performance training environment and for them to be physically prepared for the load in volume and intensity. The limiting factor in almost all sports is speed, so during HPP we teach full movement skills to promote explosive power development. This is where our platform lifting focus comes into the program. We commence this education with our year 7 & 8 students with a lifting program based around safety and progressions and start the lifting movements with modified equipment with minimal resistance. Correct technique is constantly reinforced and each student athlete is progressed through developmentally appropriate drills for their age and competence.


The HPP curriculum is designed to develop key components of fitness that are generally important to student athletes regardless of sport and include strength, power, speed, agility, flexibility/mobility, and aerobic speed. Significant parts of the HPP curriculum are dedicated to injury prevention and rehabilitation programs and recovery activities such as hot/cold contrast baths to enhance continuity and longevity in in training and competition.

High Performance Preparation (HPP) curriculum time allocation

  • Year 7 & 8 - 140 minutes of HPP /week

  • Year 9 - 280 to 420 minutes of HPP/week (student0athletes can select 6 periods minimum or 9 periods maximum

  • Year 10 - 235 to 470 minutes of HPP/week (5 periods one semester/ten periods the other or vice versa)

  • Year 11 & 12 - 90 minutes compulsory HPP before or after school plus optional extra sessions and some HPP components embedded in senior subjects such as VCE PE and VET Sport and Recreation (90 minutes per week)

Strength and Conditioning Coaches

Robert Le Guen - Head of Strength and Conditioning - Experienced sports scientist and strength and conditioning coach educated to a Masters level. A history of working in elite performance environments within collaborative teams geared towards developing athletes and reducing the incidence of injury. Skills include program design, testing and analysis of results, athlete load monitoring, movement pattern coaching and sports specific mechanics development, nutrition, and motivation techniques.

Tennille Hay- Strength and Conditioning Coach: Bachelor of Exercise Science; Masters of Applied Exercise Science. Australian Strength and Conditioning Association – Level 2 Coach. Australian Weightlifting Federation – Level 1 Weightlifting/Sports Power Coach

Ben Sortino - Strength and Conditioning Coach: Master of Exercise Science (Strength and Conditioning) Degree. Bachelor of Exercise Science and Human Movement Degree. Australian Strength and Conditioning Association (ASCA) Level 2 Strength and Conditioning Coach, and an Elite-Level Coach within the ASCA Professional Coach Accreditation Scheme. Has worked at Maribyrnong Sports Academy since 2016.

Erin Clancy - Strength and Conditioning Coach:  Masters of Exercise Science (Strength & Conditioning). Bachelor of Exercise & Sport Science. Australian Strength and Conditioning Association (ASCA) Level 2 Strength & Conditioning Coach, and Professional Level Coach within the ASCA Professional Coach Accreditation Scheme. Has worked at Maribyrnong Sports Academy since 2019.

Peter Bartel - Strength and Conditioning Coach: Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science, majoring in Strength and Conditioning and Applied Sport Science, Australian Strength and Conditioning Association (ASCA) Level 1 Strength & Conditioning Coach. Calder Cannons Boys High-Performance Manager (current).