Aimee Jungfer (2020) – Princeton University
Johnny Furphy (2022) - Kansas University
Abigail Thomas (2021) - University of Idaho
Since 2008 more than 80 former MSA student-athletes have received sport scholarships to study for a degree while competing in a variety of sports in U.S colleges. High-level inter-collegiate sport is funded alongside academic studies in colleges and universities in the USA, with full or part scholarship opportunities available, making this pathway a suitable option for some MSA student-athletes.
The following MSA sports offer scholarships in U.S Colleges; Aquatics (Swimming and Diving), Baseball (M), Softball (W), Basketball, Golf, Tennis, Cross Country, Track and Field, Field Hockey (W), Volleyball, Beach Volleyball (W) and Soccer.
Some MSA Associate sport athletes have also successfully gained scholarships in sports such as Lacrosse and past AFL athletes have been successful in gaining scholarship as punters in the NFL.
If your sport is not listed below, scholarships are not available for your sport in U.S Colleges.
Understanding the US College Systems
It is important for students to research and understand the different U.S college systems to help identify if this pathway could be a suitable option for you. There are three different systems of Universities in the U.S.A all with specific eligibility rules for international athletes. We encourage students to explore each one to see which might be the best fit.
The majority of past MSA student-athletes have received NCAA Division I or Division II sport scholarships.
Find out more about the different U.S college systems, the NCAA, NAIA and NJCAA, below.
· NCAA [4-year degree]
· NAIA [4-year degree]
· NJCAA - Junior or Community Colleges [2-year certificate]
Education U.S.A (Australia) also provides a range of valuable information and resources to assist students and their families aspiring to study at a U.S. College. Click here.
Guide for the College Bound Student Athlete
Guide to International Academic Standards
Support for MSA Student-Athletes
MSA provides student-athletes with a range of support to help them navigate the complexities of the U.S college pathway.
Some areas of support available to MSA students include:
Access to information sessions, resources, and individual advice.
Assistance with NCAA Eligibility Center registration process.
Information about International eligibility requirements.
Academic advice about the required NCAA-approved core courses.
Assistance estimating your grade-point average (GPA).
Information about SAT or ACT tests including timelines and registration process.
Assistance on how to research and apply for U.S Colleges.
Support to develop a highlights/skills video to be sent to coaches. *This can be arranged by MSA Digital Coordinator.
Submitting certified copies of your academic documents (transcripts and proof of graduation)
Important First Steps for MSA Student-Athletes
STEP 1. Academic Eligibility Advice
As well as demonstrating outstanding ability and achievements in sport (State/National Level), student-athletes who are interested in this pathway must also meet strict academic eligibility criteria.
Students are required to select specific approved core subjects and be achieving good grades to meet academic eligibility requirements from Year 9 onwards. Course counselling and subject selection takes place in Term 3 of Year 9.
Year 9 - 12 students MUST advise their course counsellor if they are considering a U.S College Pathway. Course counsellors will work closely with the MSA Pathways Manger regarding course selection and eligibility requirements.
STEP 2. U.S College Expression of Interest
If you are a MSA student in Year 9 or above and have reviewed the U.S College scholarship information carefully, discussed your intentions with your parents/carers and believe that you might be suited to a U.S College pathway, please submit a U.S College Expression of Interest form. Click here.
After you have submitted a U.S College Expression of Interest form, the MSA Pathways Manager will work closely with your course counsellors regarding subject selection and provide you with information and support to help you navigate the complex process of applying for U.S College sports scholarships.
For more information please contact Kate Green - Pathways Manager
Phone: 9091 8150 or Email: