There is a competitive select-entry process for enrolment into the Maribyrnong Sports Academy (MSA).
Demand for MSA places is extremely high and student-athletes are selected on the basis not only of existing talent, but also their potential for development in high performance sport as well as the suitability for the balance between sport and academic performance, effort and behaviour.
How to Apply
Please click on the year that you wish to apply for and review the information thoroughly before submitting your online application.
We also suggest that you review the Frequently Asked Questions below.
MSA Scholarship Funding and Annual Fees
The Maribyrnong Sports Academy is provided with funds by the Department of Education and Training (DET) for the majority of the scholarship to provide those student-athletes access to services and programs that include;
Sport and Training Facilities,
High-Performance Coaching,
Strength & Conditioning,
Rehabilitation Services,
Athlete services and education (including physiotherapy, sports nutrition, performance psychology and wellbeing support)
Annual Fees and Charges
The scholarship does not fund the full cost of the program or school items. Below is a list of the annual fees and charges payable which are not funded by the scholarship:
Sport Academy Annual Fee (Due by the 31st of January) $450
MSA Uniform* $550
Maribyrnong College Parent Payment (Parent Payment Policy - Variable by year level)
Maribyrnong College Uniform (Refer to DCS Price List)
JP Books - Digital Component $119
*The MSA Uniform cost is an estimate, covering the MSA Starter Kit and Sport-Specific Uniforms.
Note: Additional charges may apply for camps, excursions, or international tours (user pay agreement). A golf levy applies specifically for golf athletes.
Frequently Asked Questions
MSA General FAQ’s - Click here.
MSA Application and Selection FAQ’s - Click here.
For more information please email: msa-enrolments@maribsc.vic.edu.au