The rehabilitation & physiotherapy team consists of highly skilled allied health professionals. The team aims to be able to provide student-athletes with a high-value, injury management service embedded within the MSA high performance preparation program. 

Our Philosophy

As a team we share the view that our service operates within a biopsychosocial landscape with the student-athlete at the centre. Ourselves and other stakeholders (parents, coaches, etc.) work as a team that works together in a collaborative manner regarding their return to performance plan.

With this view in mind, we aim to encourage the following with respect to the injury management process:

  • Continued participation in technical training in some capacity.

  • Continued participation in the S&C component of their athlete development program.

  • Offer support in the way of the broader Athlete Services team (Sports Dietitian, Performance Psychologist, Athlete Wellbeing Coordinators).

  • David Huynh

    Rehab Co-Ordinator Years 9 and 10

    BExSc, MPhysioPrac

  • Kath Banks

    Rehab Co-Ordinator Year 8

    MSc Clinical Exercise Science & Rehabilitation, B.App.Sci Human Movement, Adv. Dip. The Pilates Method, ESSA AEP, AES  

  • Phillip Danzi

    Rehab Co-Ordinator Years 7,11 and 12

    Master of Physiotherapy, Master of Clinical Exercise Physiology, B.A.Sc

  • Sara Hasani

    Sport & Exercise Physiotherapist. APA

    Bachelor Physiotherapy (2007), Master’s in Sport & Exercise Physiotherapy (2016), Master’s in Research (Completing), Clinical Pilates Instructor (2012)

The rehabilitation & physiotherapy team consists of highly skilled allied health professionals. The team aims to be able to provide student-athletes with a high-value, injury management service embedded within the MSA high performance preparation program. 

Our Philosophy

As a team we share the view that our service operates within a biopsychosocial landscape with the student-athlete at the centre. Ourselves and other stakeholders (parents, coaches, etc.) work as a team that works together in a collaborative manner regarding their return to performance plan.

With this view in mind, we aim to encourage the following with respect to the injury management process:

  • Continued participation in technical training in some capacity.

  • Continued participation in the S&C component of their athlete development program.

  • Offer support in the way of the broader Athlete Services team (Sports Dietitian, Performance Psychologist, Athlete Wellbeing Coordinators).