Reporting an Injury


In the event a student-athlete sustains an injury, we strongly encourage that individual to report it to a Rehabilitation Coordinator at their next available opportunity.

This allows rehabilitation coordinators to adapt any S&C programming and communicate to technical coaches in the event this injury may impact the ability of the student-athlete to participate in those activities.

Q. We've booked to see an external health professional already, do we still need to report this injury?

Yes - this allows the respective Rehab Coordinator to adapt the S&C and technical training participation (should it be required) of the student-athlete.
It also allows for contact to be made with the external health professional (following consent) to work collaboratively to achieve the best outcome for the student-athlete.

Please take a Health Professional Report Form to all appointments with your external Health Professional and ensure this is returned to your Rehab Coordinator as soon as possible

Q. What is the injury reporting information used for?

The reporting of this information also allows the rehabilitation team to draw insights regarding injury incidence data and engage in discussion with technical coaching staff, strength & conditioning staff, and other stakeholders in an effort to minimise time lost to injury for all student-athletes.
