A small number of places are generally offered for entry into the sports academy in Years 8, 10 and VCE which is dependent on places that may become available throughout the year due to exits from the program. Selection is based on sporting ability and an academic criterion must also be met.
Entry into Years 8, 10 and VCE is highly competitive and, in general, most successful applicants are participating at a junior state or national level (or equivalent) in their sport.
The below academic criteria must also be met to be considered for a sports academy scholarship offer.
Achieving a B grade (very good) academic average.
Academic effort and behavioural indicators are high.
School attendance levels (90%+)
We invite expressions of interest for entry into Year 8, 10 or VCE.
Please complete this Expression of Interest Form which is reviewed by the MSA selection team. If places become available, we will contact you to request further information about your child’s academic results (school reports and NAPLAN) and may request that your child attends a selection trial as part of the select-entry process.
The selection process and offers for these year levels is likely to occur in Term 4 for entry in 2026.